Friday, December 12, 2008

Cell biology - Cell organelles

Cell and its Organelles
1. Microtubules and microfilaments of a cell can be clearly observed by using
1) Phase contrast microscope 2) Fluorescent microscope
3) Normal compound microscope 4) Simple microscope
2. Random movement of colloidal particles of protoplasm was discovered by a person who also discovered
1) Cell 2) Protoplasm 3) Nucleus 4) Plastid
3. The first discovered plant cell is a cell of
1) Dracaena 2) Yucca 3) Quercus 4) Gossypium
4. Macromolecules of a cell can be separated by using the techniques
i) Autoradiography ii) Electrophoresis iii) Ultracentrifugation
1) i and ii 2) ii and iii 3) i and iii 4) only ii
5. Magnetic condensers are used in
1) Light microscope 2) Phase contrast microscope
3) Fluorescent microscope 4) Electron microscope
6. Isolated parenchyma cells of a plant do not have
1) Secondary cell wall 2) Middle lamellum 3) Nucleus 4) Cell membrane
7. [A] : Secondary cell walls are inelastic.
[R] : They have cellulose.
1) A and R are correct and R is the correct explanation of A2) A and R are correct. R is not the correct explanation of A3) A is true but R is false 4) A is false but R is true
8. Torus is thickened portion of
1) Nuclear envelope 2) Middle lamellum of pit region
3) Primary cell wall present towards intercellular space 4) Secondary cell wall
9. The most acceptable theory to understand the nature of protoplasm of cell is
1) Colloidal theory 2) Fibrillar theory 3) Sol-gel theory 4) Alveolar theory
10. Trilamellar nature of lipochondrial membrane was shown by
1) Danielli 2) Singer 3) Robertson 4) Pfeffer
11. Unit membrane model, trilamellar model and fluid-mosaic model of plasma membrane share this feature in common
1) Continuous arrangement of protein molecules 2) Arrangement of lipid as monolayer
3) Arrangement of proteins in two layers 4) Arrangement of lipid molecules in two tiers or layers
12. Study the following and identify the correct match
A. Cell organelle not seen in meristems I) Peptidyl transferase A B C D
B. Cell organelle abundantly present in meristems II) Chloroplast 1) II IV I V
C. Palade granules III) Lysosome 2) II IV I III
D. Cell organelle with catalase IV) Mitochondrion 3) III IV I V
V) Peroxisome 4) IV II I V
13. Lysosomes arise from
i) Cisternae of E.R. ii) Tubules of E.R. iii) Cisternae of golgi iv) Tubules of golgi
1) i and iii 2) ii and iii 3) iii and iv 4) i, ii, iii
14. Plasmosomes are involved in the formation of
1) Peroxisomes 2) Glyoxysomes 3) Vacuoles 4) Ribosomes
15. Anthocyanin is present in
1) Tonoplasm 2) Nucleoplasm 3) Matrix 4) Cytoplasm
16. Chromosomes were first observed as rod like structures in
1) Microspore mother cells 2) Meristematic cells
3) Megaspore mother cell 4) Fusiform initials
17. Total number of chromonemata seen in metaphasic meristematic cell of oryza is
1) 24 2) 48 3) 12 4) 96
18. Feulgen is used to stain
1) Cytoplasm 2) Nucleus 3) Nucleolus 4) Chromosomes
19. Amino acid lysine is abundantly present in the following histones
1) H1 2) H2 3) H3 4) H4
20. Nucleosome model to understand the structure of chromatin was given by
1) Oudet 2) Oudet, Korenberg 3) Oudet and Thomas 4) Korenberg, Thomas
21. Study and match the following two tables and identify the correct match.
A. Oxysomes I) Golgi complex A B C D
B. Circular DNA II) Endoplasmic reticulum 1) III IV II I
C. Cisternae III) Chloroplast 2) II IV III I
D. Peroxisomes IV) Mitochandrion 3) IV III I II
V) Lysosome 4) IV III II I
22. Identify the correct statements.
i) Lipids form the matrix of cell membrane (Singer and Nicholson)
ii) Proteins form the matrix of cell membrane (Davson)
iii) Pectin forms the matrix of primary cell wall.
1) i and ii 2) i, ii and iii 3) i and iii 4) ii and iii
Cell organelle discovered
Function of organelle

i) Benda
Power house of the cell
Anaerobic respiration

ii) Rhodin
Phospholipid synthesis

iii) Palade
Lipid synthesis

iv) Duve
Suicidal bag of the cell
Digestion of inactive cells
Identify the two correct items
1) i and ii 2) ii and iii 3) iii and iv 4) ii and iv

i) Vaucheria
Autotrophic thallophyte

ii) Mucor
Heterotrophic prokaryote

iii) Tapetal cells
Nutritive cells of microsporangium

iv) Basidimycetes
A group of fungi
Dikaryotic condition
Identify the two correct items
1) i and iii 2) ii and iv 3) iii and iv 4) i and iv
25. Match the following and identify the correct match
A. Phycoerythrin I) Tomato A B C D
B. Fucoxanthin II) Blue-green alga 1) I IV III V
C. Lycopene III) Red algae 2) III IV I II
D. Phycocyanin IV) Brown algae 3) III IV I V
V) Zea mays 4) IV III I II
26. This cell organelle is involved in intracellular transport of materials.
1) Golgi complex 2) E.R 3) Lysosomes 4) Glyoxysomes
27. Match the following and identify the correct match
A. Cell organelle that can swallow other cell organelle I) Ribosome
B. Cell organelle that posses other cell organelle II) Mitochondrion
C. Cell organelle that shows cohesion and adhesion III) E.R
D. Cell organelle that behaves as cell IV) Golgi complex
V) Lysosome
1) A – V, B – III, C – IV, D – II 2) A – III, B – V, C – I, D – II
3) A – V, B – III, C – I, D – II 4) A – V, B – III, C – II, D – I
28. Pigmented unit membranes associated with energy transduction is
1) Thylakoid membrane 2) Inner membrane of mitochondrion
3) Tonoplast 4) Inner membrane of chloroplast
29. Arrange the following cell organelles with gradual increase in their size
i) Peroxisome ii) Lysosome iii) Glyoxysome iv) Ribosome
1) i, ii, iii, iv 2) ii, iii, iv, i 3) iv, i, iii, ii 4) iv, iii, i, ii
30. Autotroph with multinucleate cells is
1) Mucor 2) Rhizopus 3) Vaucheria 4) Agaricus
31. The trimorphic cell organelle is
1) Ribosome 2) Golgi 3) E.R. 4) Plastid
32. The cell organelle commonly seen in mesophyll cells but not in Achlorophyllous cells is
1) Plastid 2) Mitochondrion 3) Lysosome 4) Peroxisome
33. This chromosome has only one arm during Anaphase
1) Metacentric 2) Acrocentric 3) Sub-metacentric 4) Telocentric
34. Arrange the following chromosomes with respect to gradual decrease in distance between the telomere and primary constriction (considering the nearest telomere into account and chromosomes with equal length).
i) Acrocentric chromosome ii) Metacentric chromosome
iii) Submetacentric chromosome iv) Telocentric chromosome
1) ii, iv, i and iii 2) iv, i, iii and ii 3) ii, i, iii and iv 4) ii, iii , i and iv
35. The number of total DNA strands seen in the chromosomes of metaphasic stage of Allium cepa meristematic cell is
1) 16 2) 32 3) 64 4) 8
36. [A] : To know the structure of chromosome in the laboratory plant material is preferred over animal material.
[R] : Plant chromosomes are larger than animal chromosomes.
1) Both A and R are true and R is the correct explanation of A
2) Both A and R are true but R is not the correct explanation of A
3) A is true but R is false 4) A is false but R is true
37. Arrange the following with gradual increase in the number of chromosome in each cell
i) Endosperm of Raphanus ii) Synergid of Saccharum
iii) Cotyledon of Nicotiana iv) Microspore of Maize
1) iv, i, ii, iii 2) i, ii, iii, iv 3) ii, i, iii, iv 4) iv, i, iii, ii
38. Study the following
Chromosome number
Structure / Cell – I
Structure / Cell – II
i) 8
Colchicines treated meristematic cell of Haplopappus
Generative cell of Allium
ii) 24
Secondary nucleus of Raphanus
Mesophyll cell of Oryza
iii) 14
Stem cell of Triticum monococcum
Zygote of Pisum
iv) 40
Endosperm nucleus of Maize
Male gamete of Saccharum
Identify the two correct items
1) i and iv 2) iii and iv 3) i and iii 4) i and ii
39. 4n chromosome number of Raphanus is equal to 3n chromosome number of plant A. The 4n chromosome number of plant A is equal to the 2n chromosome number of plant B. n-chromosome number of plant B is equal to 3n chromosome number of plant C. The n chromosome number of plant C is equivalent to 4n chromosome number of plant D. The sum of diploid chromosome number of plants A, B, C and D is
1) 94 2) 80 3) 92 4) 102
40. Longest normal chromosomes are seen in a plant belongs to the family
1) Solanaceae 2) Asteraceae 3) Fabaceae 4) Liliaceae

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