Sunday, December 28, 2008

Internal organisation of Plants

1.Study the following and identify the correct match
A. Eupatorium I) Jute A B C D
B. Leucas II) Hemp 1) V IV II III
C. Cannabis III) Flax 2) V IV II I
D. Corchorus IV) Lacunar collenchyma 3) IV III I II
V) Lamellar collenchyma 4) V III II I
2. Longest fibres are seen in
1) Agave 2) Musa 3) Yucca 4) Boehmeria
3. [A] : Trochodendron and Drimys are angiosperms.
[R] : They have vessels.
1) Both A and R are true and R is correct explanation for A
2) Both A and R are true and R is not correct explanation for A
3) A is true but R is false 4) A is false but R is true
4. Nepenthes has
i) Digestive glands ii) Nectaries iii) Hydathodes
1) i and iii 2) ii and iii 3) i and ii 4) i, ii and iii
5. Fragrance of plant parts is due to the presence of
1) Lysiginous cavities 2) Hydathodes 3) Osmophores 4) Laticifers
6. This secretory tissue has multinucleate cells
1) Hydathodes 2) Laticiferous tissue 3) Netaries 4) Secretory spaces
7. Dead cells are involved in secretion in
1) Latex cells 2) Latex vessels 3) Hydathodes 4) Nectaries
8. Porate cross walls are seen in
i) Sieve cells ii) Sieve tubes iii) Trachieds iv) Vessels
1) i, ii, iii 2) ii and iv 3) iii and iv 4) i and ii
9. Epithelial cells are seen in the stems of
1) Euphorbia 2) Hevea 3) Ficus 4) Helianthus
10. Lysigenous cavities are formed by dead cells in
1) Eucalyptus 2) Citrus 3) Helianthus 4) Zea
11. [A] : Grafting can not be successful in monocots.
[R] : They have conjoint closed vascular bundles in their stems.
1) Both A and R are true and R is correct explanation for A
2) Both A and R are true and R is not correct explanation for A
3) A is true but R is false 4) A is false but R is true
12. Bundle sheath extensions of dicot leaf are differentiated into
1) Parenchyma 2) Collechyma 3) Aerenchyma 4) Sclerenchyma
13. Cells of Quercus suber were first discovered by
1) Nageli 2) Robert Hooke 3) Strasburger 4) Mujumdar
14. [A] : All plants that show secondary growth have growth rings.
[R] : All plants with growth rings show secondary growth.
1) Both A and R are true and R is correct explanation for A
2) Both A and R are true and R is not correct explanation for A
3) A is true but R is false 4) A is false but R is true
15. Dicot roots most commonly show the following condition
1) Diarch 2) Triarch 3) Tetrarch 4) Pentarch
16. Most distinctive feature of collechyma is
1) Uneven cell walls 2) Mechanical function 3) Presence of chloroplasts 4) Hypodermal position
17. Type of Sclereids which resemble cells of fundamental tissue are
1) Osteo 2) Astero 3) Brachy 4) Macro
18. Match the following A B C D
A. Tricho sclereids I) Mouriria 1) III I II IV
B. Astrosclereids II) Pisum sativum 2) III IV II I
C. Macro sclerids III) Olea 3) IV III II I
D. Osteosclereids IV) Nymphaea 4) III IV I II
19. Simple laticifers are found in
i) Euphorbia ii) Ficus iii) Carica iv) Cannabis
1) i, ii and iii 2) iii only 3) i, ii and iv 4) i and ii
20. Formation of slime plugs is the indication of
1) Injured phloem 2) Plants facing water stress 3) Injured xylem 4) Disease
21. Identify the two correct combinations
i) Aerial roots of Monstera
Filiform sclereids
Lacunar collenchyma
ii) Petioles of Nymphaea
iii) Cucurbita stems
Discontinuous ring of collenchyma
Simple sieve plates
iv) Selaginella
Vessels absent
1) i and ii 2) ii and iii 3) iii and iv 4) i, ii, iv
22. Monocot stem differs from dicot stem in lacking
i) Trichomes ii) Vascular bundles iii) Medulla iv) Hypodermis
1) i alone correct 2) i, iii, iv are correct 3) i and iii are correct 4) ii alone correct
23. Leaves of grasses are associated with the following characters
i) Casparian strips in the cells of border Parenchyma
ii) Dissimilar adaxial epidermal cells
iii) Dissimilar abaxial epidermal cells
iv) Open vascular bundles
1) i and ii 2) i and iii 3) ii and iii 4) iii and iv
24. Chemically, casparian thickenings have
i) Lignin ii) Suberin iii) Cutin
1) i and ii 2) ii and iii 3) i and iii 4) i, ii and iii
25. Match the following
Plant Stelar condition of root
A. Nicotiana I) Polyarch A B C D
B. Gossypium II) Triarch 1) IV III V I
C. Ricinus III) Diarch 2) III IV V I
D. Helianthus IV) Tetrarch 3) III IV V II
V) Pentarch 4) IV III II V
26. Study the following

Part of plant axis
Type of tissue

i) Root cortex
Radial conduction

ii) Medullary rays
Lateral conduction

iii) Stem pericycle
Stores food material

iv) Root pericycle
Gives rise adventitious roots
Identify the two correct items
1) i and ii 2) ii and iii 3) iii and iv 4) ii and iv
27. Bark has
1) All derivatives of cork cambium and vascular cambium
2) All derivatives of cork cambium and some derivatives of vascular cambium
3) Some derivatives of cork cambium and all derivatives of vascular cambium
4) Only the derivatives of cork cambium
28. Arrange presence of the following in centrifugal sequence in the secondary plant axis
i) Youngest portion of secondary phloem ii) Oldest layer secondary xylem
iii) Oldest layer of secondary phloem iv) Youngest layer of secondary xylem
1) iii, i, iv, ii 2) ii, i, iv, iii 3) ii, iii, iv, i 4) ii, iv, i, iii
29. A pathogen promotes the formation of the following in a dicot
1) Annual rings 2) Growth marks 3) Pseudoannual rings 4) Cork
30. Match the following
A. Open vascular bundles I) Dicot leaf A B C D
B. Sclerenchymatous hypodermis II) Monocot root 1) III V IV I
C. Tetrarch stele III) Dicot stem 2) III V IV II
D. Polyarch stele IV) Dicot root 3) IV III I II
V) Monocot stem 4) III IV I II
31. Study the following

Character I
Character II

i) Meristem
Larger nucleus
Proplastids are present

ii) Parenchyma
Occupies major part of plant body
Cell wall has high amount of lignin

iii) Collenchyma
Cell wall has uneven thickness
High amount of pectin and cellulose are present in cell wall

iv) Sclerenchyma
Has smaller nucleus
Cell wall is lignified
Identify the two correct items
1) i and ii 2) ii and iii 3) i and iii 4) ii and iv
32. Albuminous cells are associated with
1) Sieve tube members 2) Vessel members 3) Tracheids 4) Sieve cells
33. Poorly developed vessels are seen in
i) Hydrophytes ii) Non-succulent xerophytes iii) Succulent xerophytes
1) i and ii 2) only i 3) only ii 4) i and iii
34. Apical meristem has no contact with
i) Intercalary meristem ii) Fascicular cambium iii) Cork cambium
1) i and ii 2) ii and iii 3) i and iii 4) only i
35. Arrange the tracheary elements with the following pattern of secondary wall thickenings present from periphery towards the centre in the xylem of Gossypium primary stem
i)Reticulate thickenings ii) Annular thickenings iii) Pitted thickeneings iv) Spiral thickenings
1) iv, iii, ii, i 2) i, ii, iii, iv 3) iii, i, iv, ii 4) ii, iv, i, iii
36. Identify the pair that shows more similarities in their origin
1) Fascicular Cambium, Inter fascicular cambium 2) Cork Cambium, Fascicular Cambium
3) Intercalary Meristem, Inter Fascicular Cambium 4) Inter Fascicular Cambium, Cork Cambium
37. Non-pericycle sclerenchyma is present over the phloem of
1) Maize root 2) Pisum stem 3) Cicer root 4) Sugarcane stem
38. Tyloses are pit membrane outgrowths of
1) Phloem parenchyma 2) Primary xylem parenchyma
3) Secondary xylem parenchyma 4) Medullary parenchyma
39. If a tree trunk has 50 rings of autumn wood 50 rings of Springwood, one ring of Heart wood and 1 ring of sap wood, the age of the plant is
1) 102 years 2) 50 years 3) 51 years 4) 100 years
40. Late wood can be distinguished from early wood in having
1) Broad vessels or tracheids 2) narrow vessels or tracheids
3) Red colour 4) Broader sieve tubes

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